Don’t want to spend a lot of time for cooking dinner? Try this 10 min oil free high protein noodle recipe

“Try it and don’t forget to tag and follow on Instagram @guywhocooksgreen”
Ingredients (1 portions):
1. 1 pepper (red/green or both)
2. 1/2 onion
3. 200 gm mushroom
4. 100 gm tofu
5. 50 gm French beans
6. 1 green onion
7. 2 teaspoons soya sauce
8. 4 teaspoons hoisin sauce
9. 2 teaspoons green chilly sauce
10. 2 eggs ( optional for the topping)
11. 2 pinches of sesame seeds for the topping
12. 125 gm of fullcorn noodles
Boil the noodles as per the instructions on the packet
In a pan, toss onion, green onion on medium flame. Cool until onion becomes translucent, keep on stirring (important when you don’t use oil)
Now add the rest of the vegetables and tofu and cook for 2 more minutes
Add the boiled noodles and all the sauces and cook for 1 more minute and mix everything well.
5. Top it with a fried egg (optional) and sesame seeds for extra proteins and healthy fats.